Georgiy Vaydanych

With 20 years of executive experience Georgiy possess a unique collection of expertise in different sectors: As a Project Manager Georgiy has a proven track of successful projects in Agricultural sector, construction and M&A. As COO he was responsible for running day to day operations and building a successful Farming company “Agrokultura Ukraine”, with a growth from zero to 24 K ha-s. This experience came in a package with throughout understanding of Agricultural business and Land market in Ukraine. Due Dilliegnce and Risk management Georgiy mastered by evaluating a number of faming companies, subjects for M&A. Excellence in logistics, gained by running for several years a highly dynamic Logistics department for 24/7 production at “Flex” division in Ukraine Expertise in Change management and ERP systems implementation gained during successful complete renovation and reconstruction of post-Soviet brewery “Lvivska” after it’s acquisition by Swedish “BBH”. Now Georgiy is looking for the opportunity to apply his knowledge and become a transparent and trustworthy “communication bridge” between Germany and Ukraine.

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